The waiting is hard. I'm obsessed with the little red light on my bberry, hoping it's an email from a birth mother every time. But really, I've just learned that I get way too much junk mail. Certainly I need to let go and live my life because I can't keep up this level of obsession for months...or years.
S and I had a rough weekend. Fighting like we haven't fought in a really long time. And the fights were pretty much about nothing. Hurt feelings and semantics. I guess that's not nothing. It's more that they were avoidable if either of us had been up to really listening and really caring. But we weren't. Maybe the sugar crash after the adoption profile high? Maybe scardy cats of being close to actually getting what we want?
But we did run. And I have a huge nasty blister on my heel to prove it. I also have some new socks, so hopefully the blister will be short lived.
Miles run this week: 6.0
Miles run since our profile went live: 10.4
Happy New Year!
5 weeks ago
Hang in there--there's bound to be some letdown after the excitement of your profile going up and the time (hopefully the very short time!) when a birth mom realizes that you're the perfect fit!
ReplyDeleteFighting isn't fun but i'm sure you are both just nervous and tense. Hopefully the running will help. Try dry max socks. They are fantastic.