Monday, April 8, 2013

IVF #1: CD15: stim day 9 - the ups

Let me tell you part of the best news of all, I am *so* uncomfortable. And I love every second of it. My ovaries are seriously large and in charge in there. I've been walking around with my pants undone all day (thank goodness I work from home). The RE office just called with my afternoon update. Here are the stats for today:
Estrogen - 1,374
Progesterone - 1.0 (thanks to Amanda Raye for pointing out that this is indeed normal)
Lowering my meds back to my regular dose (4 vials bravelle, 2 vials menopur, everything else stays the same).

A few random thoughts for today:

  • Even though today is stim day 9, my results are really based on 8 days of meds, since I take my stim shots in the evenings, but have my blood work and ultrasounds in the mornings
  • I ran out of bravelle and menopur and had to order more of both. Somehow, my brain keeps thinking "need to order more" = "wasteful". I'm not sure what that's about, but I am very, very, very thankful I even have the option to order more
  • It's looking like we'll trigger Tues or Wed and have our retrieval Thur or Fri. I am so nervous and excited
  • We're doing PGD (hello, old lady eggs) and have always planned to freeze everything with FET in May (fingers crossed). But now that I actually feel like this IVF is really happening, I'm daydreaming that if there are only a few eggs (one of my fears) then we'll just put them back right away instead of risking the freeze/thaw (but really, I hope there are lots of eggs and, health wise, it would make SO MUCH MORE SENSE to wait until May)
  • I am wondering what the calendar/meds look like for an FET. I need to look that up next. For someone who can't take birth control, do they just shoot me up with progestrone and wait until I ovulate?
  • And these bullets are the reasons why I've developed IVF-insomnia. (I woke up at 4 this morning and  never did fall back asleep - finally gave up and rolled out of bed at 5:30 to get some work done)

Back to the RE tomorrow morning at 8:30.

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